5 October 2009


Hallo everyone

Training of the carpentry students at  is almost in its final two months. The students have learnt a lot in the past twenty two monthes and they are all doing well.At the moment some of them are a bit anxious because as from next year they will be starting their own small businesses and they are not sure how that will go. We however have tried and are still teaching them methods of how they can do it.

Sometime in November we will take them all out on a weekend camping and when we come back they will immediately start working on their final examms. At the moment me and John are having a busy time with the students as they suddenly have a lot of things and questions to ask, anyway the first term of the first year and the third term of the last year are the most busy.

23. September 2009

Nachdem eine ganze Reihe von Lehrern am Montag von „militia“ Krankenhausreif verpruegelt worden sind, weil sie am landesweiten Streik teilgenommen hatten, hat die Lehrergewerkschaft den Streik zum Schutzt ihrer Mitglieder danach abgeblasen…….die Situation ist crazy, da die Lehrer gerne unterrichten wollen, das Schulministerium (unter MDC Leitung) ihnen gerne mehr Gehalt bezahlen wuerde, es aber einfach allgemein nicht genuegend Geld fuer Beamtengehaelter gibt….

„Ekuthuleni Express“ Landcruiser ist mit Bremsproblemen in der Werkstatt…ansonsten geht alles seinen Gang, Mishack sollte ab naechste Woche seinen eigenen Laptop haben und dann natuerlich auch seinen „blog“ ausfuellen……

Am still trying to figure out how to get photos on here…tilll then or next time.Yous Heliga